News & Events
Mountain Lion News
NHS supports STUCO's hosting of a Red Cross Blood Drive in the MVHS Cafeteria from 9 am - 2 pm. All members of our community are welcome- not just students. Every 2 seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood and or platelets, and each individual donor can save as many as nine lives.
Mountain View will be hosting a book drive from now until May 7th! Books from preschool to high school level are being accepted. They can be dropped off in any English classroom, or in the front office.
MUSD will be hosting a Transition Night in the MVHS Library on Feb 11th! Information tables with local service providers for students with disabilities will be set up to provide information and answer questions.
Every Wednesday in February, all MUSD schools are featuring “Walking Tacos,” made with The Walking Taco Doritos topped with Jennie-O Turkey Taco Meat and served with all the fixings by our amazing MUSD Cafes.
Connect with professionals on Feb. 11 and participate in small group discussions to learn about programs & resources for students with disabilities in their journey to adulthood. Topics include job training, college disability services, state work programs, and more!
This past weekend the Varsity Boys and Girls competed in their final regular season tournament at 28th Annual Eagle Invitational at Glendale Ironwood High School. We placed 12 wrestlers including three tournament champions and both Boys and Girls Varsity teams took Runner-Up Honors for the tournament!
Thank you to all the families who joined us for Future Mountain Lion Night! Your enthusiasm and curiosity about student life at Mountain View High School made the event truly special. From insightful conversations to incredible performances, the night was filled with energy and excitement.
A huge shoutout to our dedicated staff and students who hosted program booths—your commitment to welcoming future Mountain Lions does not go unnoticed!
We’re here to support every step of the transition. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. See you soon, future Mountain Lions! #FutureMountainLions #MVHS
At Mountain View High School, where each student’s unique journey is met with unwavering support, our counseling team plays an indispensable role in shaping the success of our Lions. Their dedication, compassion, and expertise ensure that every learner is empowered to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.
MUSD Student & Family Support Services is hosting Parenting the Love and Logic Way, Supporting Youth with Special Needs, a four-class series beginning this March. Spaces are limited. You must RSVP!
Share your love of music and join the Marana Winds to perform in the 2025 community concert, scheduled for Wednesday, April 9 at 7:00 p.m.! All interested staff, teachers, students, alumni and friends of MUSD are invited to participate.
Upcoming Events
Mountain View is home to the Mountain View University program that offers 23 AP courses and a continually growing list of Dual Enrollment courses.
The MVHS music programs are truly the pride of Mountain View. Over the last three years our marching band membership has grown by 140% and our indoor percussion program membership has grown by 200%! I
With open lines of communication between staff, students, and families, we create an environment where everyone feels heard and supported.
Assessments are an important part of how educators learn what students have learned. When students work hard to show what they know on these assessments, we can examine their learning, design interventions, and become a better place for kids.
Collaborative partnerships allow our school to leverage family, school, and community resources to remove barriers to learning and provide essentials to families in need.
Mountain View High School is pleased to announce the achievement of Level 1 certification in Marzano High-Reliability Schools™. Level 1 certification means our school has created a “Safe, Supportive, and Collaborative Culture,” which is the foundation for every level that follows.