High school counselors are here to assist the entire school, through individual student planning, classroom lessons, systems support and response services. Often times students and parents/guardians might be thinking that the only time you need to see a school counselor is during senior year to help plan for post-secondary options. The reality is, it is never too soon to start thinking and talking about future life plans. Don’t wait until senior year to start thinking and talking about your/your student’s future.
In addition to helping students and families with post-secondary educational and career plans, counselors can help with: goal setting, academic plans, problem solving, education in understanding of self, including strengths and weaknesses, transition plans, individual and small-group counseling, individual/family/school crisis intervention, peer facilitation, self-advocacy, and so many other services they wouldn’t fit on this page. We’re here to help our students be successful in their school life and beyond. So don’t wait to get to know us, come visit us as soon as you can!
Make An Appointment:
Counselors are assigned to students by students' last name, for all grade levels. Please refer to the Counselor Caseload table below.
Students will want to make an appointment with Mrs. Sims in the Counseling Office. All students reporting to the Counseling Office during class time must have an appointment slip or call slip.
Lois Sims- Counseling Secretary Email
Counseling Hours and Location:
Monday- Friday: 8:05am-3:35pm
Location: In the Administration building, next to the library
Career and College Center (CCC) Hours and Location:
Monday-Friday: Monday – Friday: 8:05 a.m – 3:35 p.m.
Location: CCC is located in our Library.
Course Description Book
For a digital copy of Mountain View HS comprehensive Course Description Book, please call 520-579-4450.
Counselor Caseload: Alphabetical
Student's Last Name | Counselor / Email |
A-B; All Grades | Bruce Hesse |
C-GI; All Grades | Britnee Kati |
Gm – Man; All Grades | Sarah Stewart |
Mao – Roe; All Grades | Anna Urias |
Rof – Z; All Grades | Nicole Ruboyianes |
CTE Counselor; All Grades | Jennifer Babler |
College and Career Center | Adam Vargas |
Tier 2 Student Support | Bruce Hesse |
Social Worker | Kathrine Bogart |