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I.D. Cards

Students walking between classes

Students are expected to have an official, current year, school-issued identification card at all times while on campus.  This card will be issued at the Bookstore during schedule pick-up for a $5.00 fee; replacements for lost or stolen cards will also be $5.00.  Students are required to present this card when requested to do so by any school employee or official.  The identification card must be presented for admission to all school sponsored activities.

The Student ID card is a multi-use card:  

A special Early Dismissal ID is necessary when leaving campus.  This ID identifies students with a class schedule that has early dismissal.  It does not allow the student to leave campus at any other time.  At the end of each semester, students with an early dismissal schedule will need to renew/verify their ID in the bookstore.   Student must show their Early Dismissal ID when leaving campus.

  • Students need the ID for late arrivals and early dismissal from campus
  • The student visits the library and since their ID card also works as a library card, it is scanned to record the checkout details. 
  • The student visits the cafeteria, and instead of handing over money or entering a PIN, they simply have their ID card scanned.  Since it also works as a meal card, the total amount is deducted directly from their student lunch meal account. 
  • The student checks-in to the Health Office, Educational Services Office, and Attendance Office, Student Services, Sporting Events, and Dances.

A special Early Dismissal ID is necessary when leaving campus.  This ID identifies students with a class schedule that has early dismissal.  It does not allow the student to leave campus at any other time.  At the end of each semester, students with an early dismissal schedule will need to renew/verify their ID in the bookstore.   Student must show their Early Dismissal ID when leaving campus.